Debunking The New York Times “Knee Stability” Video

This is definitely a must see for anyone who is experiencing knee pain as a result of knee instability…

Watch the video first and then check out the links below:

Click on the link immediately below for the Muscle Anatomy Chart to see there are NO MUSCLES AROUND THE FRONT OF YOUR KNEES!

Click here to see the “Muscle Anatomy Chart.”

Now click on this link which takes you the New York Times Video with the mis-information I was talking about in my video above that can actually make your knees worse!

Click here to see the New York Times video for “Stabilizing The Knee.”

Here is my link shamelessly promoting my e-book and video showing you how to CORRECTLY STRENGTHEN YOUR KNEE JOINTS!

Get my e-book & video combo – -> Click Here!

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Hi! I’m having pain, stiffness on one of my knees for years, now the other knee is bothering me also. I have been reading and looking at your program. I’m very interested, but I’m kind of confused of which book to buy, you have different tittles to choose from. Should I start with your eBook and video the comfort zone, or the book, knees for life, say no to knee replacement etc. I’m looking something simple that I can learn to do on myself and also for my mother she is 81 and also her knees are starting to hurt… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Blanca!

Thank you for reaching out to us about what you’ve been experiencing. To better assist you, please complete the form on the link below-one for you and then one for your mother. Once we understand a bit more, we can suggest some great programs for you and your mother.

After completing the form, please reach out to us in customer support and we will contact you directly to complete the process

I look forward to hearing from you!

Customer Support


Thanks Bill, I had a road traffic accident in December 1975 and had fracture of the shaft and neck of the right femur. I was operated and still have a k-nail in my right leg. as a result, my right leg is about 1inch shorter. for the past 2-3 years i have been experiencing pain with swelling in my left knee, i have has x-rays indicating OA. How can your programme assist me please. Ansa Ogu

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