The Simplest Knee Therapy In The World

Check out the video below…Where I walk you through a simple knee therapy that will help you get over the biggest obstacle preventing you from getting over your chronic knee pain…

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A: When I walk my knees hurts a lot and I cant stand at one place for along time. They swells and hurts after. Cant go for long shopping or walk. B: I still believe that I will be able to walk freely with your video excercises and get rid of pain killers. C: I will be able to do my own things and dont want to be burden on my family whom I love. I dont want to face the consequences of operation and bad knees. D: I will try my best to do every thing in my capacity… Read more »


e. Energinization: Knowing that I have someone like yourself that has the same beliefs and a road map that could help me and millions of people like me, overcome these obstacles.


a. Adversity: Restricted to certain activities
hesitant in making movements cause by fear of injuring or making condition worse.

b. Beliefs: That my knees will never heal or get better.

c. Consequences: Frustrated, feel defeated and looking for fast relief what ever the cost may be to my health.

d. Dispute: I use to be a long distance runner and enjoy hiking as well. Now I more confined to gym equipment.


A. Cannot ride the new bike I puchased whilst in first couple of weedks of my knee pain – an encourager to carry out your exercises. B. Sort of have an underlying belief that my pain, swelling and tenderness may not be associated with rheumatics – absence of any evidence. Have tried all my alternative remedies such as anti-inflammatory diet, turmeric, ginger, cold packs(just got burns), hot pack, comfrey poultices, hyaluronic acid, ibuprofen capsules, ibuprofen made up in DMSO and applied to joint, exercise – I think I have given them all a good crack. D. Move from my ‘free’… Read more »


Hi Bill,

Thanks for continuing to send the emails. I did this exercise and it made me see how this work on my thoughts about my knees is part of the same work I am doing on my thoughts about my general health and life. It was encouraging, reinforced my intentions and actions to date and helped me be more specific about how those intentions should take shape regarding my knees.

God Bless You for your willingness to do this work in the way that you do!

Love,Peace and Blessings,

Patricia Patterson

A I can`t walk very far because of pain in knee
B Belief my knees will get better
C hope, joy, travel
D I like to believe I will improve, now I have info. on what to do to achieve this;
even though there are ongoing stressful situations in family
E Hope for my knees to improve

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