The “Knee Pain Train” Podcast – Episode 35

The questions keep coming so we have this week the “Knee Pain Train” podcast…We keep on trucking answering more questions about chronic knee pain

I start off the podcast talking about a pain clinic rep I spoke with at a trade show this past weekend in Charleston, SC…That will be interesting for you! 🙂

1.) The first question is from Judy who is trying to help her 78y/o mother out of knee pain without doing total knee replacement surgery and is looking at total knee implant surgery instead:

2.)Iben asks a question about knee feeling like a bag of fat is in and around it

3.) Deepa has some great questions about how diet and water have an effect on chronic knee pain″ target=”_blank”

4.) Jeremiah has knee swelling only when he plays basketball and is wondering how to address it…

5.) Becky has been diagnosed with a “complex regional pain syndrome” and wants to run a marathon and it needing a direction to start because surgeries, physical therapy, prescription drugs, and shots have not worked…

6.) Sarah asks a general question as to how to get out of knee pain when the drugs aren’t doing the job…


7.) Lucia wants to know what to do when the cartilige has only worn out on one side of her knee and is wondering why it is doing that…

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Mary Jetha

Bill, my progress is very slow but I think My pain is tolerable. I am trying to drink fair amount of liquid. I am still having so much problem kneeling and I am also trying to squat between the chairs but it is very painful. The good thing is my knees feel better after the squatt. I am trying to even get out of the squat as you are mentioning as of to going on the floor. Getting off the floor is also a problem but it is getting slightly better. Hope one day it will be pain free. I… Read more »

Jessica okello

My discouragement is, I’m far away in Africa how will l ever be helped with my knee pain. Since many of the people you have helped you seem to have met physically.

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