The Knee Pain Guru Case Study #4 – Marijo
The following Case Study was with retired executive coach, Marijo Franklin and her experience with arthritis and chronic knee pain for 8 years working with The Knee Pain Guru, Bill Parravano.
The following Case Study was with retired executive coach, Marijo Franklin and her experience with arthritis and chronic knee pain for 8 years working with The Knee Pain Guru, Bill Parravano.
This video demonstrates how to break down scar tissue in your knee cap tendon (Patella Tendon) to achieve strong, flexible pain free knees. This video developed from a question received about the exercise, “Knee Walk” in my e-book, “Stop Your Knee Pain Now!” This is absolutely the fastest way to break down scar tissue from surgery in your knees and what I use to this day to build up thick, strong, pain free tendons in my knees…
I recently began working with Isobel from Great Britain on her chronic knee pain. Check out these results and her feedback after 3 weeks…Even after she had knee replacement surgery…
Vinny has graduated! Yes, he passed the physical exam for the Special Marine Operations Unit for his division and is off for 18 weeks of specialized training. Vinny shares his story and his “battle scars” from the surgeries from 2 knee cap dislocations. I believe you’ll be impressed with his achievements and movement…