Paleo Journey Volume 1 Issue 1
My paleo [1] journey began on New Year’s Eve, a mere 30-days ago. A dear friend, Bill Parravano, came over […]
My paleo [1] journey began on New Year’s Eve, a mere 30-days ago. A dear friend, Bill Parravano, came over […]
This was a “killer” interview with my friend Danyell Demchok, Nutritionist about how to eliminate knee pain from your body and your life. I really got a chance to go into so many details about my approach to eliminating chronic knee pain from your body as well as a template that will carry to every joint in the body…
This is definitely an interview you don’t want to miss…
As a former vegetarian, I’m finding it an enjoyable challenge to adopt a mostly Paleo way of eating and incorporate meat
Did you know that there are actually foods making your knee pain worse?
Listen to the following interview with Sarah Fragoso author of “Everyday Paleo”
Check out the following interview I did about the Toxic Sludge in your knees causing your knee pain…