Knee Treatment For A Torn Meniscus

Got a great question here from Ann…

In episode 28 Ann’s is indecisive as to what type of knee treatment she needs for the torn meniscus in her right knee…

The answer is not what your thinking…

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Marilyn Stefano

I have a torn medial meniscus in my left knee that occurred about 14 years ago, when I was 65 – It caused me to fall 3 times on my rear, when there was no support from the knee. I don’t have much pain in my knee, but my ortho surgeon has recommended knee replacement which I’m reluctant to do. My biggest problem is stiffness when I’ve been sitting a while, & limited mobility, & the sound of bone-on-bone when I use my knees – also I can’t sit on low chairs or toilets because I can’t get up without… Read more »

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