Knee Replacement Surgery: Still Got Questions?

Join me on this interview with Dr. William Stillwell (aka Dr. Bill) retired knee and hip surgeon for almost 25 years to find out whether or not you should go ahead with your knee surgery. Dr. Bill and I go over all your burning questions as to whether or not knee surgery is necessary. We also explore other alternatives to look at when confronted with the proposition of knee surgery when your chronic knee pain just won’t go away…

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Mary Jetha

Bill. That was a very informative phone message. Wow. I do not regret putting the knee surgery off. My progress is very slow but surely I want to work at it. I am continuously doing your exercises regularly. I do have good days and bad. Thank you for lot of ongoing informations. God bless you. Mary

Patricia Patterson

I learnt a lot of information listening to Dr Stillwell. I was most interested about the hydraclouric injections when the synovial fluid has gone.
There were very many things he said, that were of interest. I need to hear the podcast again.
Thank you Bill.

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