Knee Pain Management, Depression, & Knee Surgery by The Knee Pain Guru #KneeClub

Knee Pain Management, Depression, & Knee Surgery.

There is a significant mindset difference between knee pain management and knee pain elimination.

The first suggests we don’t know enough about the body and therefore we must deal with the pain indefinitely into the future.

Knee pain elimination on the other hand requires a deeper understanding on what is happening in the body and how it ties directly into the nervous system which alerts the body when it is pain.

In this live video presentation we are going to discuss knee pain management, it’s effects on depression as well as life after knee surgery…

Here are the questions answered today:

Su Pack

Hi. Do you also help with other issues like stiff knee, cannot straighten the leg max 20-25 degree after physionand very limited bending(80 degree max).

My son had a traumatic incidents on 30 Jul, and surgery on 20 Aug. Serial Casting over 8 weeks and arthroscopy on 15 Oct.. It was ACL, PCL, LCL , meniscus torn plus damaged MCL.

Also Tibia is sagged from the knee. Dr confirm still no issie with stability but flexation is the problem We are doing all we can for 8 year old son. hours of straightening excercise and physio to activate his muscle but not really improving much, if we don’t do it it gets worse so we keep going..

Our goal is to make his leg straightening so he can talk normally and bend 90 degrees.. Feeling desperate as a parent… We believe it is the excessive scar tissue inside is blocking the movement, we try hard by pushing and moving legs but not professing much.. Also need to know how to get rid of the internal.scar tissues… it’s the right knee Please help

Lester Williams

How soon can I have an appointment – Baker’s Cyst have MRI done but need appointment sooner that November 27

Vincenza Perriano

Help getting mua nov 12, 2020 can bend my knee. Im so done pls help me, dont know what to do can di knee. abnormalplainz Subbed today…I wish you were closer..Soo many old school rehab folks here!!! I’m having trouble with ROM but my buddy knows what to do better than my rehab folks.. Strength and bending..and I wasn’t active unless it was working 7 days a week

Next 3 Steps to get more help with your knee:

1.) Subscribe to “The Knee Pain Guru” Youtube Channel here:

2.) Go to to watch the video on the home page

3.) Join “Knee Club” here: Leave any questions you have below in the comments section…

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Hello, I am searching for the right path to take in regards to my left knee. MRI findings: Complex Tear of Meniscus. Mild arthritic changes. Large leaking Baker’s Cyst. I have seen Orthopedic surgeon and rheumatologist. Arthroscopic vs. Total Knee Replacement. Drain Baker’s Cyst with Depo injection, ECT….I can’t walk down stairs, so difficult to bend and some swelling. Is surgery imminent as the meniscus won’t heal because of no blood supply to that area? I am a 63 year old female and was an avid walker most of my life. I believe my meniscus was torn when my dog… Read more »

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