Knee Pain Live Q&A

Click on the link below to listen to the latest Q&A I did for members of my Virtual Knee Pain Clinic in March. I went over question regarding knee pain and gave them a strategy to address what’s going on with their knees. At this point moving towards a place of being completely free of the burden of their knee pain

I covered the following:
From Craig: Wants to know what certain foods should be removed from his diet to help with his knee pain.

From Moritz: Do you suggest doing the exercise routine on a daily basis?

Comment from Debra, followed my suggestions and there’s hardly no pain in the knees, exercising everyday and it’s helping her.

From Judtih: I’ve gotten much better using the Virtual Clinic, for example knowing how to stretch out. I came to the reality with the information given that there was another way other than surgery to fix it.

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