Runner’s Knee Grade 4 (Chondromalacia)

I’ve been working with Bill for 3 months now.
Back then I was in a bad way. I’d gone from running regularly, hiking long distances to not even being able to get up a set of stairs. It was debilitating.
Surgeons told me I needed an operation.
Bill disagreed and believed he could get me out of pain.
He was right.
Three months later I’ve gone from feeling broken to feeling okay. Not 100 percent but much better.
Ive used no painkillers or other pharmaceuticals.
Just persisted with Bill’s bespoke advice and guidance and followed his pain pattern interrupts with patience and persistence.
The holistic supplements he’s recommended have really helped too.
Bill covers all angles: nutritional; emotional; physical; neurological; spiritual; psychological.
I went to a physio who just told me to do some exercises, that actually made me feel worse.
Bill’s program is extraordinary. As much way of life and a movement as it is therapy and pain relief.
I’ve a way to go yet until I’m back to my old self but Bill has helped me massively to get me out of pain and confident that the future doesn’t have to be just a slippery slope of surgery after ineffective surgery.
Thanks Bill!
Meniscus tears
Now, I am a young woman in my early 30s and I used to think that I would never have knee pain in my life. However, thing didn’t go that well sometimes. In the winter of 2018, this happened. At the beginning, there was nothing that bad. I had a slight pain and discomfort on my left knee and I went to see the doctor. I was told that there was nothing serious and what I need was only some rest at home. However, the pain didn’t ago away after a couple of weeks. What I experienced was the pain spread on both of my legs, which I couldn’t bear to walk and run. So, I went to see the doctor again. This time, I was told to get the sodium hyaluronate injections for the knee pain. After one month’s treatment, worst things came up, I was not even able to bend my knees and I was in bed most of the time at home.
At some point I felt so frustrated. Because I was not able to work and I need to be taken cared by my family all the time.
Miracle came up after I met Bill. After with his consultation for a few months, I was able to bend my legs freely and walked in a small step. One year later, I can cope with my daily life easily, and get back to work.
Now, I can even do exercise in a regular basis, for example, weight training and running. This result is out of my expectation. Although I can’t say there is 100% no pain on my knees anymore, I felt more confident to cope and deal with the pain and carry on with my everyday life.
I really want to say thank you, Bill. I hope that you can help more people like me to get healthy and get their normal life back.
Veloria Martinson Recommends The Knee Pain Guru

Bill is great. It didn’t take me as long as I thought it would to heal my knee. Love working with him. I chose his program over conventional physical therapy this time. I was amazed at how well it worked! I would recommend him to anyone who is experiencing knee pain.
Bill is the Guru!

Bill really is a Guru! Not just for knees either. He has helped me tremendously with my back pain also. I have had problems since I was 10 years old and broken my back twice! I have had trauma from car accidents, sports injuries, and even surgury on my ankles when I was an infant. He has helped me find ways not only to get relief but to help heal and recover from years of problem patterns. I would recommend The Knee Pain Guru to anyone looking for pain relief.
Torn ACL

Four years ago after surgery for a severely torn meniscus, Bill Parravano and his knee pain clinic was a godsend to me. My knee fully recovered thanks to his coaching! Naturally, Bill is the first person I thought of when I recently tore my ACL. I know he will help me successfully navigate this fresh challenge.
Also he’s just a good person. Easy to talk to. Compassionate and caring. Dedicated to helping his clients heal. If it were possible to give 1O stars, I would!
Dr. diagnoaed suggests total knee replacement. Bone on bone, torn medial meniscus, cyst.
I am determined NOT to have surgery on my knee. Bill gave me hope that I could relieve the pain that had been holding me back for almost 9 years. Bill gave me the tools that I needed to help relieve some of my pain. I only got to work with him for a month because we were renovating our home, so one step forward, two back. He created weekly plans based on our conversations. He was extremely focused and knowledgeable. I would get instant relief by applying his methods. Now that we are finished with our home I have been able to focus on the program. I have applied his principles and in just a few weeks time, my pain has reduced by 50%!! I can’t wait to work with him one on one and finally prove to my Doctor that I don’t need to have major surgery to feel better. I will keep you updated for sure. My husband and I bought an RV and are going to travel the country. I plan on hiking and biking everywhere!
Holistic Approach

Bill’s workshop answered so many of the questions I’ve been asking about the nature of pain. Not only does he have a breadth of knowledge of the physical structure of the body, functional movement and how relaxation can naturally facilitate healing – his teaching style also takes on a very rare holistic approach to the root of suffering. The short class Bill taught made me become aware of how my patterns of movement and emotional state are constantly affecting my wellbeing.
Pain Free

[blockquote quote=”“My knee is as pain free as it has ever been. When ever the discomfort begins to return I focus on doing three things every day that you taught me. I actually golfed today for the first time since October and had a great day on the course!”” source=”CHRIS DRURY (39) NY RANGER & BUFFALO SABERS TEAM CAPTAIN, STANLEY CUP CHAMPION, 2 TIME OLYMPIC SILVER MEDALIST (NEW YORK)” align=”left”]
Bone on bone arthritis, history of torn ACL & PCL
Bill is onto something good. I have a long history of right knee injuries incurred during my dance career, which resulted in traumatic arthritis. A recent MRI showed bone on bone “end stage” arthritis. Nice term, eh? Of course I’ve been told I need knee surgery, like yesterday. But I’m still a mover, and I’m put off by most of the things I’ve read about life after that surgery–(don’t run, don’t dance, don’t blah blah blah).
I had been watching Bill’s videos for a while and was intrigued by the approach–completely different than any I’d encountered. His background in Judo also intrigued me, I was tired of doctors who’ve never had a serious movement practice that they loved telling me what I could & couldn’t do. So when Bill offered a special on private coaching for the month of September, I signed up.
During the course of the month, we “met” via skype. Bill gave me homework (the pain pattern interrupts). I did them diligently. (They don’t take long, all you busy peeps, but they take commitment.) On our calls, I reported in on successes and/or stumbling blocks, and Bill explained what was going on, and gave me other assignments based on our conversations. Now, after a month of working with this approach–I’m pretty amazed at the progress. I can do a whole lot more than I could when I started, without pain, and without fear! Better than that, I have confidence that, even when I do overdo it, I can recover quickly. Certain activities used to sideline me for weeks, now I’m back to “normal” in a day, sometimes in hours.
In short–I highly recommend Bill’s approach. It’s not generic and your diagnosis doesn’t matter. IF you do the homework and let it happen. I’m a lawyer so I have trouble saying something will “always” work. But it works for me.. I’m still dancing, when my MRI says “end stage” arthritis. If you’re sick of hearing “knee replacement,” “knee replacement” from every doctor you see, try Bill’s program.
Baker’s Cyst and arthritis
I started doing the Comfort Zone after being unable to find relief from pain via my doctors after 5 weeks. Within a few days of doing the stretches I was sleeping through the night, within a week I was able to stop using a walking stick, and after 2 weeks I was off pain killers.
I highly recommend the Comfort Zone for relief from knee pain and to get your knee healthy again.
ACL rupture and partial PCL rupture, scar tissue after surgery
Great Program! I have tested The Comfort Zone and my knee pain has decreased a lot and I’m now able to walk down the stairs. I have still problems with the extension and the flexion of the knees, but it has improved a lot since starting the The Comfort Zone (3 weeks ago).
I use the Comfort Zone stretches every morning and night.
Osteoporosis – Arthritis
I wish I had more time and energy to put into this but I do feel it has helped immensely in addition to what I was already doing! Thank you, Bill!
~ Denise (58)
Long term Sporadic Knee Pain
I have found the stretches really effective.
I’ve had low-level knee pain for years.
The doctor considered it was probably ‘wear and tear’ I am a very keen skier and definitely want my knees to last.
I usually have twinges and some aching after running or often going up and down stairs.
My knees are so much better already and I am slowly getting more confident about using them and can walk up the stairs normally!
It is still early days (3 weeks) But I am confident that this program will work for me.
Forever Free Coaching Program
February 4, 2019
DO IT RIGHT NOW! IT WORKS! Do not hesitate.
The thing I love the most about this program is that it is truly pain-free.
I do not think I could make it without this program. I had a total knee replacement surgery about 2 months ago.
I started this program about a month ago because I was having extreme pain coming from therapy.
One day, I just decided to Google what can I do for pain and this website popped up.
After looking at the website, and reading the reviews, I came across an exercise to do. I did it, and it worked instantly.
Right, this is when I knew I had to give Bill a call. From that day to now Bill has been extremely helpful coaching me.
I can tell him the issues or pain that I am experiencing and he gives me an exercise to do and it immediately feels better.
Doing this program was the BEST decision that I have made!
~ Mary (74) Louisiana
osteoarthritis in right, patellar femoral syndrome in left
I use the Comfort Zone stretches every morning and night. I’m a former professional dancer who suffered a lot of injuries in my youth–which lead to osteoarthritis. But I am not a sedentary person–I need to move, and move a LOT, in order to feel like myself. I’m also a fairly disciplined self-starter. The Comfort Zone stretches have really helped me identify areas of tension and patterns of holding in my knees (and hips and ankles and back!) and let go of them a little. I love these stretches. They’re well worth the minimal time and effort you have to put in to feel better. On “difficult” days.I do them as often as I have time for. They can be done almost anywhere you can sit down (like an office). Highly recommended.
Right knee partial replacement
Bill can at least explain what is really happening with your knee. When the knee pain flares up you can use his already tested pain interiors modules. These are videos he has designed that involve a specific stretch that will either eliminate the pain or at being it’s level down. The knee club webinars are a great way to ask specific questions where Bill shows up and answers questions on line. That was how I learned about the pain interrupted videos.
Knee surgery 10 years ago. Periodic knee pain and swelling with torn meniscus.
Bill’s program initially got me out knee pain through the Pain Interrupt modules. I then went on to address other pain issues including piriformis and ankle pain related to my knee pain through the same modules. Now I am addressing the underlying issues and imbalances that lead to my knee pain through the Knee Strength Studio. This is a wonderful program and Bill provides all the needed support throughout the process. It is a perfect way to “chip away” at all my pain and strength imbalances so I can get back to all the sports and activities I enjoy! Thank You Bill!
Bone on bone, arthritis
I’ve been working with Bill’s program since December. I started it immediately after being told I was a candidate for knee replacement surgery- bone on bone and arthritis. I looked to see what was involved with that, and thought “there’s no freaking way they’re cutting off my leg bones and replacing it!!” It’s not just the surgery, which isn’t guaranteed, but also, the expense $40,000+, recovery time and rehab. But, most of all, pain. I’ve been suffering knee pain since I broke my patella- 10 years ago, then suffered a tibial plateau fracture 6 years later, I’m tired of pain. Since becoming a member, the pain has decreased to a feeling of discomfort, my range of motion has increased by several degrees- from 90 to probably 100 degrees and I expect it to get even better. Like Bill tells me, there’s many layers to knee pain that need to be worked through. So, I’m in it for the long haul, however long it may take.
Arthritis and bone on bone
After my doctor’s diagnosis and her suggestion that knee replacement surgery could be an option, I looked to see what all was involved with that surgery. I couldn’t sign up with the knee pain guru fast enough!! It’s been about 3 weeks now. My knee has gone from pain to discomfort, it’s still there, but, so much better. I’ve been dealing with this for almost 10 years, so, I expect it will take a few months, maybe 6, who knows. The webinars, I can’t describe them, It’s nice to be able to talk to Bill, tell him what your specific problems are and have them addressed immediately!!! To be blunt, if you’re too lazy to expend a little time and energy to fix your knee pain and think it would be easier to have doctors cut off your leg bone and put in metal and plastic to replace it and put a long screw down through the bone to attach the artificial joint- well, I have nothing to say to you.
Bone on bone and one leg does not straighten
Working with Bill weekly is awesome
Bill is supportive and reinforces my progress, or even no progress for that week and helps me adjust my mindset to move forward over the mental blocks which I didn’t realize. had affected my pain . I call them mindset interrupts. They’re as important as the pain interrupts and stretches. Together, they are helping my knees feel better.
Bone on bone both knees
I started working with
Bill in July 2017. I was looking for any possible solution before going for knee replacement surgery for both knees. Working wilh Bill has been amazing and I’ve eliminated all thoughts of having knee replacement surgery. When we first started I literally couldn’t walk into the grocery store without sitting down. Bill has given me mobility back. Yes, I still have pain but I walk without a limp about 70-80% of the time. I do home projects again, which I stopped doing 18 months ago because of pain and I made amazing strides in 5 months. My goal remains to walk pain free and lead an active life well into my 80’s-90’s. Bill listens, tries to understand your pain and offers solutions to improve your knees. Here’s my recommendation: Join the knee club, meet with Bill on a regular basis, do your homework each week and enjoy an active lifestyle.
torn meniscus
Hi Bill,
The Knee is going really well. I am confident that putting everything together now is making the difference – the exercises, the supplements, taking care of the parasite and adding in the omegas. We were away on the weekend and I forgot to take the supplements and parasite meds with me and I could feel the knee. Nowhere near what it used to be, yet it was inclined to be uncomfortable. Fortunately it was only 2 days and on returning got straight back onto all of it and the difference is highly noticeable. Stretches I’m doing daily, along with the PPI’s and my flexibility is improving dramatically. I’m delighted.
One of the biggest differences I’ve felt since the very beginning is the stiffness in my lower back is gone. I would feel it after sitting, and especially after travelling in the car… any distance.
I would get out of the car and take at least 10 secs to straighten up. The rolled towel under the knees and then the hips has made a significant difference to that from the very beginning. I couldn’t be happier.
Haven’t tried the rebounder yet, I will over the summer break coming up and will keep you posted.
Thank you for all your help so far. I’ve been on this quest to heal the knee for YEARS and working with you since only July has me definitely in healing and recovery.
Best wishes for the festive season, will see you in the New Yr Veronica Pasfield
Sore knee
I enjoyed my conversation/ consult with Bill. And liked the videos. Also found the email updates interesting. I’m feeling a lot better now than when we talked in April/ May. Appreciated the help. Alex
Knee feels great…

Bill spent 20 minutes on my knee and it hasn’t felt this good in years.
Relief in 30 seconds…

After 30 seconds, I could feel heat in my knee and a relief that I hadn’t felt for 30 years.
Pain free…

My knee is as pain free as it has ever been. When ever the discomfort begins to return I focus on doing three things every day that you taught me. I actually golfed today for the first time since October and had a great day on the course!
Patella Dislocation & Baker’s Cyst
Ruptured Quadriceps Knee…
In August of 2015, I had a falling accident resulting in a ruptured quadriceps right knee…after surgery in September, wore a brace for five weeks and started PT in October…months of intense PT and using crutches, brace, cane, etc. Then Easter of 2016, able to walk without any assistance, but working on my walking gait over the summertime and in late fall, finally able to walk confidently in public and regain my normal daily routine that I had before falling…was told by PT that it would take a long, long time, and even though it took over a year to regain a back to “normalcy” level, I’m very happy with the progress and being able to go out and do things again as before…found the consultation by phone, videos online and books by Bill Parravano (The Knee Guru) to be most helpful! It is true that the body & mind connection plays a big part in the healing process… 🙂 Cindy Fletcher
The Knee Pain Is Really Diminished
I don’t feel discomfort going up the stairs
I can actually do squats…
You don’t have to live with knee pain
I can sleep without pain…it’s unbelievable
I can walk again
It feels 100% better!
It Does Work!
First time since in 10 years with no pain
Walk without a bandage on my knee
My knee and body feel stronger
Definitely feel a difference
I was able to do a yoga triangle pose
My knees hasn’t felt this good in years
A noticeable improvement!
I can play with my son…I feel great
I’m walking up to 2km again
It’s not just your knee…it’s body and mind
Running up and down the stairs…
Get out of pain quick and easy!
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