“How To” Fix (Knee Cap Pain)

The following links provide some strategies for you to take advantage of so you can control your chronic knee cap/patella pain and your life…

Below are the links I talk about in the video…

Click on the following link to access the Virtual Knee Pain Clinic, now included with the Quit Your Quack Program:  https://www.thekneepainguru.com/lp/qyq/

Click on the following link to setup a 25 Minute Knee Freedom Strategy Session:  https://www.thekneepainguru.com/appt/

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I have been suffering from knee pain for a while now. Mainly my issues arise from the following scenarios. Firstly, I have a difficult time putting weight on my knees if I’m trying to kneel down which is extremely difficult when you have kids. Secondly, I feel an overwhelming amount of pain in my knees when get up from a seated position. Can you recommend some exercises to keep fit and avoid future knee pain (I have started cycling) and can you recommend some daily stretches or exercises that can help to strengthen my knees? Thanks, john

John White

A physio gave me some excersizes for my lower back. This was sitting on the floor with me legs out in front of me with my back against the bed. I had to press down on my knee caps foe 2 minutes each twice a day. After about 10 days of this my back was no better and my knees hurt for the first time. They wre OK before I started this excersize. I can hardly get up off the floor now.
Any ideas !
John White


I have not een able to access the site from the link that was sent to me, but I was able to do a few exercise from what I have seen on the videos. Mainly knee walking and creating space in the knee joint. Its just been a few days but already my pain is lessened. I will continue to do the exercises a see how much better my knee will be

Mary Handforth

Thanks, I’ll have a go at that

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