10 Critical Steps to Achieving FULL Range of Motion AFTER ACL Reconstruction

10 Critical Steps to Achieving FULL Range of Motion AFTER ACL Reconstruction is the order of the day for anyone who has suffered an ACL tear and then surgery. Getting the knee to feel normal so you don’t feel so fatigued from the compensation the body takes on to protect it from getting injured further.

In this short video presentation, we will cover the 10 critical steps to achieving full range of motion after ACL reconstruction.

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Hi Bill,

Stumbled on to your site while researching knee issues. Do you have any tips for recovery from patella tendon surgery? Im late 30s relatively fit, martial artist as well who tore my tendon completely. Its been 15 months post surgery and i don’t have full ROM yet (100 degrees approximately). Everything else (strength etc is going well).

Thank you,


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