Episode 3 – Knee Pain Question and Answer

In episode 3 I answer several questions on knee pain sent in through email.  This week I go over questions concerning injuries to the knee, baker’s cyst, footwear causing knee pain to exercising with knee pain.

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Kelda Miller

I have recently had pain and swelling on the outside of the left knee and part of the knee cap. It seemed to happen when and after I was driving and using the foot pedal (clutch). I have been to my doctor and also to a specialist, neither of whom seem to really know what is going on. A short while previously I started to experience right hip pain while and after driving and using the foot pedals (foot brake and accelerator) which had different heights and made me move my hip up and down in order to use them.… Read more »


Hi Bill,
Thank you very much for the comment. The reason for not explaining more clearly about my injury is, that doctordoes not know exackly what is going on.
I am seing a specialist in musculoskeletal and pain management on 6th of May and will keep you posted.
Thanks again James

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