Dehydrated Knee Treatment Options

If you have been diagnosed with arthritis or bone on bone, you may have heard the physician use the term “dehydrated knee.” What this means is that the knee joint has tensed up, stopping the flow of water to the joint. When there is no water in the joint, there is no more lubrication, which can lead to a fairly painful situation.

Many times when you have been diagnosed with a dehydrated joint it is because, whether you have arthritis, degenerative issues, or a bone on bone situation, a tension pattern has emerged and you may be directed to Synvisc as a short-term resolution.

A Synvisc injection is a shot of lubricant into the knee using a long, thick needle that goes all the way into the back of the knee to rehydrate the joint. This procedure can be expensive, painful, and is not always successful. At least not long term.

My approach is a bit more holistic and, in the long run, can be a lot more beneficial to your knee and your health. If you start by bringing your knee to a place of comfort, relaxing the tension in the knee joint, the nerves relax and the pain shifts.

Getting your knee in the comfort zone, creates more space in the joint for the nerves to relax and the pain to stop.

When this happens, all that is left to do is drink water. When you drink water, the first place water goes is your vital organs to provide hydration and lubrication. If you drink enough water, then there is plenty available to allocate some to your joints, which will in turn rehydrate your knee.

If you’ve been in pain a long time, or have that diagnosis of arthritis, this may seem a bit unbelievable. You think you are doomed to a life of knee pain. But really if you release the tension in the joint and release the pressure on the nerves in there, the pain goes away.

And it’s almost immediate. So you should review the 11 stretches I recommend, you can get them in the Comfort Zone Video Stretches. And drink more water. It’s good for your knees.

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Knee Specialist

Definitely agree! Most people worry too much where in fact the solution is very simple. Water not only lubricates your joints but can also provide a number of benefits to your whole body. So never neglect the importance of water to your health. Thank you for sharing by the way.

Jenn Davies

When doctors use the term “dehydrated knee,” I had no idea they meant that literally. If drinking water can alleviate some of the pain, why haven’t I heard that before? It seems almost too good to be true. I’m trying this suggestion immediately. Even if it doesn’t help, drinking more water can’t hurt. |

Marilyn higgins

I have had a meniscus scope done. Still in pain a year later. Moderate arthritis. Do not want to have a knee replacement. Would like to contact you about your program. Marilyn

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Marilyn,

Thank you for your message.

Please feel free to reach out to us at and we will be happy to assist you.


Customer Support

Terry vieira

Hi Bill I was trying to figure out the time change from where you are is it california I am going to the states on the 25 of august on holiday I am going to connicutt I was hoping to be able to call you somehow they said that my mri is showing I have arthritis and the bones are rubbing I think that a part is the misalignment of my knee cap I drink water every day and I would like to get the stretches to see if that would work for me . I still really want to… Read more »


I did have synvisc and it helped me for a while ,( about 6 months ) However I am still in pain after an athroscopy and most likely to have a knee replacement eventually. I guess I am overweight and this contributes to the pain in my knee . The weight gain happened mainly when I stopped going on the tread mill for various reasons . Do you think that going on the tread mill daily damages the joints ?

Thanks for all your valuable advice.

Best wishes,


ruby singh

Dear Sir

I have is quite bad, I am limping quite a lot. I know there is no cure for this.
can you please give me a diet that I can follow.



Ram Ratan gupta

I regularly walk for 6 KM a day in the morning.However last one year twice I right knee cartlige gave lot of pain with swelling in my knee which was not very prominent.I went to friend doctor who takes walk with me and is knee replacement doctor.he took out the X ray and told me the issue is bone on bone or some bony developement on joint bone edges which give friction with Cartilage and was put on rest for a week with some medicines like Etova and Lubrijoint for a month and I was fine within a week for… Read more »


How can I obtain a copy of the comfort zone program ?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there Daychia,

Thank you for reaching out to us. If you have already purchased the program and you are having trouble accessing it, please email us If you haven’t purchased it yet, please click on the link below.


Mimi | Customer Support

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