Bone on Bone Arthritis, Cortisone Shots, and Meniscus Tears

Bone on Bone Arthritis, Cortisone Shots, and Meniscus Tears are all common challenges tolerated by chronic knee pain sufferers.

The only way to stop the cycle of pain is to begin looking at the knee pain as it relates to the rest of the body.

Then and only then can you start to experience and evolution in the relief of your knee pain.

Here are the questions answered today:

Giovanni Sanchez

I think you’re absolutely correct I think you are cuz I have bone on bone arthritis or the left knee a lost weight

I felt comfort if you’re overweight lose weight man if you could get an amniotic stem cell therapy injection get that do not do PRP do not do where they do bone marrow amniotics good but if you’re overweight do the amniotic because it just means you’re just you’re just too fat you’re just too fat man I mean I’m too fat I need to lose more weight at my age

I’m five six I need to lose weight I’m 210 I was 232 when I went down to 210 I felt better I got another amniotic stem cell shot and I need to get down to 180 and I bet you I’d be okay thanks for your help sir I appreciate it you’re great God bless you

Dmitry Pravednov

Bill – The Knee Pain Guru letting people know about shot in the knee that complications that they can cause yes I had inflammation now I have much more problems I lost feeling and my knee is cracking when walking I’m off balance Ashirbad Mohanty But I would also like to describe you my issue write from the begining and it’s not that short to tell in comment section

Ashirbad Mohanty

Bill – The Knee Pain Guru i don’t know but I guess asking it on pubkic domain would be good so that many more like me would be benfited

Ashirbad Mohanty

If u don’t mind can you send me email id or anything of that such so that I can write u and send some clinical reprts

Todd Shaw

I have a meniscus tear in my right knee. I had two years in my left knee. I rehabbed my left knee and in time my left knee no longer hurts. They recommend surgery for the the left knee.

Now they recommend surgery for the right knee. Should I deal with the pain and try to rehab it myself ?

If they do surgery will I still have pain after?

Next 3 Steps to get more help with your knee:

1.) Subscribe to “The Knee Pain Guru” Youtube Channel here:

2.) Go to to watch the video on the home page

3.) Join “Knee Club” here: Leave any questions you have below in the comments section…

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Kala Tharp

The pain is getting unbearable. I have bone on bone osteoarthritis. Till of recent I was able to walk long distance now it hurts. I had PRP done. It lasted for a couple of months.

William Decker

What does your program cost monthly?

Hi William
The current price of my group coaching program “Knee Club” is $149/mo…At this time we are waiving the enrollment fee of $197…
Let me know if you have any further questions

ed bidinotto

Hello – 2 years of arthritis, rooster comb injections, several steroid shots as well every 4-6 months. I am active bicycling, dancing, hiking. I’m 6’3 175lbs, not overweight. My knee fills up with fluid in the bakers cyst so it has to get drained. The fluid goes down into my ankle/foot as well. So i am ready to talk about tkr if it goes that direction. I’ve tried PT, etc. nothing seems to help. I work at a computer as well – so i’m not active during the day. Any other suggestions?


I have bone in bone both knees for these years now. Some days ok some not. Any advice. I so nog want toe go for knee replacement. So know about blood spinning?

Customer Service

Hi Helena,

What have you been doing to alleviate the pain?



I am experiencing burning pain on both knees. I could not stand long hours even struggle to gain posture while trying to stand up after sitting down.

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