Pain After Surgery
Doc, Make Me New Again – New York Times Article
DR. STEPHEN J. O’BRIEN, an orthopedic surgeon, had his patient, Jay MacDonald, 52, lie on the examining table and bend his right knee back toward his chest to test for flexibility. The doctor had replaced Mr. MacDonald’s knee five weeks earlier and wanted to see how far beyond 90 degrees the knee would bend.
Chronic Knee Pain
Can You Still Have Chronic Knee Pain After Surgery?
Here is a question about a partial knee replacement and still in constant chronic pain after the surgery.
Chronic Knee Pain
Knee Pain Answers – Session #11
Here is a knee pain question from a female tri-athlete who experiences knee pain when she walks or runs…
Knee Pain Questions Answered – Session #9
Here is a question Ryan asks about knee pain (on the subject of Basketball) with pain he is dealing having in his tendon around his knee cap