“How To” Get Rid Of (Knee Pain) When Nothings Wrong…

Knee pain can be incredibly frustrating especially if the doctor diagnoses you as having “nothing wrong” after an x-ray, ct scan, or an MRI…

The following links provide some strategies for you to take advantage of so you can control your chronic knee pain and your life…

Below are the links I talk about in the video…

Click on the following link to access the Virtual Knee Pain Clinic, now included with the Quit Your Quack Program:  https://www.thekneepainguru.com/lp/qyq/

Click on the following link to setup a 25 Minute Knee Freedom Strategy Session:  https://www.thekneepainguru.com/appt/

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How do I get rid of knee pain nothing’s wrong I have less of calcium and vitamin d


Do you think DMSO cream or Traumeel cream helps knee pain and which would you prefer?

Madeline Walburger

I’d like that. Just so I can walk again for exercise.


When I went to the doctor I had Xray, mri,catscan. The specialist I wentto said I did have a torn menescu but it wasn’t that bad . I needed to lose weight but I can’t even walk very far without a cane and the pain is really bad. I have been doing stretching in the morning before a get out of bed and that has helped.

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