How To Overcome Bone On Bone Knee Pain

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I have had bone on bone knee pain for several years and am being treated by the VA Hospital in my area for it. Tried cortisone, no relief at all, tried euflexia, no help at all, I have been getting Hyalgen shots for about 3-4 years now and that seems to give me a little pain relief but I still can barely walk using a cane. The VA doctors say they can deaden some nerves in my knee somewhere but that will increase my chances of falling because there will be no pain or feeling at all. I’m just beginning… Read more »

Eric DiStefano

I have very painful bone on bone knee issuesat this time I’m mildly obese and I’m working on losing weight but its not affecting my knee painplease help

Dolores Hite

I am a 74 yr. old female. I had an episode of falling onto my knees several times. I, suddenly, began to experience horrific pain in my left knee. My knee was red, hot and swollen. An xray was done. I was told that I had bone on bone arthritis of the left knee. I went to a ortho man. He gave me one cortisone shot, about 6 weeks ago. I wore a knee brace for a while. Right now I am experiencing absolutely no pain. I have to ask, did I injure my knee by repeated falling or do… Read more »

Linda cerino

I am having hyalagen injections due to bone on bone……looking for more as doctor is hinting at knee surgery

Mary jetha

I am doing your excercises from ebook and from virtual clinic.

Jim Edwards

Did I submit what needed to get started? I would like a phone visit. I did submit the $97. Still very new at computers and email. I am 64 and would like avoid knee s. looking forward to trying this.

Thank you
Jim Edwards


Hi Bill
Strained my groin about 6 months ago. Since then I have had pain in my knee and down my shin. After visiting a physiotherapist, who said I had damaged my leg , through not walking properly. ( leg turning in ). I am doing the excercises and straightening my leg when walking, with the help of a walking stick. It’s still pretty sore at times and don’t know what to do next. Groin pain has almost gone
Hope you can help, Bill

May Gericke

Hi Bill I am using a walking stick in my left hand as my right leg is bone on bone, this does not really make a difference and someone suggested I had my shoes built up to change the angle of leg, will this help? I have bought a bicycle but find it is fine while I am cycling but very painful when I go to bed, the outside muscle on my right leg goes into a spasm ilke a vice grip. My L5 disk is wedged forward and I can’t really swim anymore. Any suggestions and our house is… Read more »


hello Bill

Yesterday I decided to take my knee problems seriously. I was getting progressively worse. I found you on Youtube. You re so generous with your information. I am 50% better even in 24 hours after watching you. If you have time, we could talk. I cured myself of several other serious ailments, and I would be willing to give you a testimonial if my knees get completely fixed.
604 856 8910
Marg from Vancouver canada


Tried to set it up. Wont allow me too

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