The #1 Fastest Way To Relieve Knee Pain

Discover The #1 Fastest Way To Relieve Knee Pain no matter what is going on with your knee, how long you’ve been in pain or what your diagnosis is. In today’s insightful presentation we’ll go over a deeper understanding of why your knee hurts and how we can use the body’s own self-corrective reflexes to relieve the pain so you don’t have to. 

Join me for a mind-blowing paradigm shift that will change your outlook on your knee pain forever.

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Maria Greenwood

I have had knee pain, thigh pain, hip pain and lower back pain since February and I’ve been to chiropractors, physical therapists, and nothing has helped me… I’m trying to figure out if it’s my knee or knees causing my back pain or is it back pain causing my knee pain


I’m 57 ACL replacement about 20 years ago.
No pain issues until about two years ago.
Lower back was a bigger problem but I’ve seemed to fix that through mobility work and core strengthening. Both knees started flaring on and off about two years ago. I joined ATG “knees over toes program. Left knee pain disappeared and continues to gain range of motion and get stronger. Right knee is struggling. Holding small amount of swelling and restricted range of motion. I’m determined to heal this issue.
I’m staying active despite the flare ups and stiffness. Looking for the right progression.

William Decker

Bill,does your program cost 149.00 a month?

Nancy R Lopez

Can you give suggestions concerning bakers cyst


it is hurts really bad


I got injury last year by my good friend his name Peter he bumped me of the bike in college in New York state pathfinder village so I need help


I would love to see a demonstration of how to work below the knee to reduce stress and tension due to sore, painful or stiff knee. I’m 7 week out post TKR. My straightening is at 0 and flexing at 111.
Thank you


So I discovered through research I was having lymph issues and learned how to help my body drain these nodes through massage and within a few hours my very swollen and extremely sore knees were gone! I will be massaging my lymphatic system more often. I was truly amazed.

Ed Nahm

I am 69 years old male with bone on bone with my knees. Can you help me?

William Decker

Very good advice,less pain,u are a very wise man

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