Pain That Makes You Squeal in Public

Limping in front of people was always so embarrassing!

My knee dictated my days always giving me permission on what I could or couldn’t do…

Questions tormented my mind.

What if my knee flared up in line at the bank?

What if I got that sharp pain walking down the aisle of the grocery store?

I couldn’t imagine how “cool” I looked at the age of 29 holding onto a counter for support.

Thoughts haunted my mind what others said when they saw me walking stiff legged.

In my mind I kept telling myself I wasn’t handicapped…

Yet my body was telling me a very different story as I circled the parking lot finding the closest parking spot to the entrance!

The more I denied my knee the worse it got…

Finding “tools” to have at my disposal made all the difference in the world!

Knowledge of my knee and what I could do for a moment to begin getting relief…

No matter how bad it felt…

Without “popping pills” that I knew were damaging my liver and leave me groggy.

Without pain killing shots…I f*cking hate needles!

A “natural tool” that I could do anywhere or anytime my knee started “talking” to me.

“The Comfort Zone” is one of those tools to go in your tool box:

Click below to learn more:

(The Knee Pain Guru)

~ “Putting the ‘FUN’ back into Knee DysFUNction”  

Copyrighted & Published by Healing Concepts, L.P. 

Bill Parravano is The Knee Pain Guru
“The Best in the World at Eliminating Knee Pain without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery.”

Healing Concepts, L.P.

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