Here is the Biggest Mistake I see knee pain sufferers make that actually KEEPS THEM IN PAIN!
Now this is going to probably go against everything you’ve ever heard about getting out of pain.
That is…
Now am I saying to NEVER exercise and strengthen the muscles in your legs?
The key is the timing of when you exercise.
If you’re starting out in pain
Pushing through the pain
Is NOT going to make the pain go away!
You must first develop the skill to get yourself out of pain...
Then I’m cool with you exercising as much as you want after that skill is developed.
It’s kinda just makes sense…
I’ll tell you a lot more that just makes sense to get your knees out of pain in a couple of hours.
But you have to sign up now…
Because Knee Club won’t meet for another two weeks.
Here’s the link to join:
(The Knee Pain Guru)
~ “Putting the ‘FUN’ back into Knee DysFUNction”