BEWARE of those that confuse your mind and forsake your knees!

I came across a quote yesterday…

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” 
~ A. Einstein

Einstein is supposed to be one of the smartest mofos that ever lived…

There are those out there, namely…

“Duck-tors” and “Pee-Tees” that will present to you all sort of fancy words in a diagnosis…

Give you exercises that put you through all kinds of pain…to get you out of pain?

Prescribe medicines that have worse side effects than the pain you feel in your knees…

Pull out HUGE needles to inject “solutions” and hope they work when the “band-aid” wears off…

Suggest exploratory surgery in the hopes they’ll find some reason why your knees hurt…


In this process you get more confused, frustrated and angry that NOTHING IS WORKING!

My father had a saying he told me many times growing up…

“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bullsh*t”

It’s sort of like the Einstein quote equivalent that you’d find on a Cleveland construction site…

But, I digress…

My point being…

If you can’t limp away from a conversation with a better understanding of what the h*ll is going on with your knee…

…and why it hurts…

Who ever you spoke to doesn’t “get knees” well enough to get you out of pain…



I’ll tell you straight up that the reason your knees hurt…

It’s because there’s nerves in your knee being squeezed sending a signal to your brain that you have knee pain…

Too simple?


I know knees really well…

If you’d like to talk and come up with a strategy you can immediately implement and start feeling better right after our call…

Then click on the link below to setup a time in my online calendar:

(The Knee Pain Guru)

~ “Putting the ‘FUN’ back into Knee DysFUNction”  

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