In August of 2015, I had a falling accident resulting in a ruptured quadriceps right knee…after surgery in September, wore a brace for five weeks and started PT in October…months of intense PT and using crutches, brace, cane, etc. Then Easter of 2016, able to walk without any assistance, but working on my walking gait over the summertime and in late fall, finally able to walk confidently in public and regain my normal daily routine that I had before falling…was told by PT that it would take a long, long time, and even though it took over a year to regain a back to “normalcy” level, I’m very happy with the progress and being able to go out and do things again as before…found the consultation by phone, videos online and books by Bill Parravano (The Knee Guru) to be most helpful! It is true that the body & mind connection plays a big part in the healing process… 🙂 Cindy Fletcher