“Hello Bill, It’s in the early days, but i know that your program, “Stop Your Knee Pain Now!” works. I had found that I could not squat at all, my knees were completely locked…I am squatting now, it was painful to start but I persisted…This alone has reduced some pain noticeably especially when going down the stairs, which prior to unlocking the knees as agony. For video exercise 1 I don’t have a suitable table, but by sitting on edge of a high chair clasping the hands under upper leg, it is possible to do the exercise one leg at a time. Bill the video demos are excellent and you have a great voice to reach and influence and straightening their belief in what they are doing WILL WORK FOR THEM. Regards Milan PS – Your talk on hydrating the body in “The Virtual Knee Pain Clinic,” is excellent especially for me as I am 83 years old partially sighted and find reading books difficult.”
Milan – Austria:
Bill Parravano (The Knee Pain Guru)
/ April 27, 2012
About The Author
Bill Parravano (The Knee Pain Guru)
Bill Parravano is “The Knee Pain Guru” and “The Best in the World at Eliminating Knee Pain without Drugs, Shots or Surgery.”
He has over 34 years of martial art and body work experience understanding movement and tensions patterns that lead to physical pain.
Bill’s believes the nervous system is the key to the body’s healing, and bridges the gap between what we currently know and the infinite possibilities of what we don’t know the body is capable of. Coupled with comfort this combination creates the shortest distance between a life riddled with pain to a physical life fully mobile and self-expressed.
“You can’t think your way out of pain. Pain is not rational and doesn’t care what you think. You must feel your way out of pain through comfort. Through the weeks, months and years of injury and compensation patterns built up in your body limiting your movement and making you feel older than you are.”
His unique ability to identify the blocks that keep people stuck in pain and skillfully removing them allows for lasting change and a new reality for his clients…